Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 2 - Part 3 "I am not forgotten"!

Rescue & Restore Shelter cares for 28 kids ages 3-17. Each child has a unique but similar story. They all need the love & care of a family.

There is a little girl who lives in Rescue & Restore Shelter. Her name is Mina*. Her life story is full of tragedy and hope. Mina's family thought she brought a curse to the family. As she was growing up, they threatened to take her to the city and drop her off. One day her grandfather was going to the city to do some shopping and asked her to come along. He took her to the train station here in Chennai, lead her to a bench and asked her to wait there while he bought a snack. Time passed. Minutes turned into hours. He never came back. She was abandoned at the age of 9. Left alone in a big city to fend for herself. Night was coming.

Miraculously that evening some of the staff from Rescue & Restore shelter passed through the station and saw her sitting alone. They heard her story, and she ended up coming home with them. This vulnerable little girl never spent one night on the street. She truly was not forgotten by God.

The message we wanted to communicate to them is that they are not forgotten, or alone in this world. Their Heavenly Father knows their name, and we do too. They are special and valuable.

The team put on a great puppet show to the song "I am not forgotten". We also passed out the cool lime green T-shirts with the theme in bold letters on the front. To say the kids loved them is an understatement.

They had a blast decorating the back of their own shirts, they signed our shirts, and danced and celebrated His goodness!

What a terrific night. Here are some photos to give you a glimpse of the evening....

1 comment:

  1. What a powerful story! It's hard to imagine that kind of betrayal & abandoment by a family.

    Thanks for the work you all do and for sharing it. I forget how removed our lives can become from the much more challenging lives of others in the world.
